Tuesday Talk 5/17/16

Office ManagerBlog Posts


I was talking to my son Joey this morning about filling out student loan exit counseling forms. Our conversation reminded me that this time of year is moving time…

Or moving forward time…

Or moving out time…

Over the past few weeks, Potsdam has been a busy place with parents and friends coming from far and wide to watch their children graduate from State College, or Clarkson Tech.


Nineteen years ago, Cindy and I went through for the first time the emotional rollercoaster known as HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION!

Baccalaureate and graduation services, hosting the big party, sifting through college applications, and the impending realization that our little girl will be leaving home all too soon. Since the spring of 1997, my wife and I have been through it twice more…it’s never really gotten easier, we just became more aware of what to expect.


So for the parents out there who will be sending their children away to college this fall, or out into the work force, to the parents whose children will be moving out of the home and into their “new place” simply because they can…

To the Christian mom’s and dad’s out there who are wondering did we prepare out precious children for the world, let me share a scripture that has helped me deal with the moving days I have lived and gotten through.


“Hear O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on your doorframes of your houses and on your gates. –Deut 6:4-9


As “empty nesters” Cindy and I have, and are working through the question-s’ did we do right by our kids? Did we do everything possible to prepare them for moving day?

I understand that (as with almost any worthwhile endeavor) we could have done better, but as I reflect back, we brought them up in fear of the Lord, (as in with fear of the Lord brings wisdom).

We talked about the Lord along the road, as we put them to bed, and Cindy was faithful to pray them awake each and every day.

Even in those times before…when I was too stubborn to accept God’s love Cindy was there, tying the love of God on their wrists, and weaving Him into their hearts.


As I look out my window today and see the bright sunshine, green grass and the trees sprouting their leaves, I am reminded it’s moving time.

Today has caused me to reflect and ask how did we do?

Well, we have a beautiful daughter who is married and living in sunny southern California, serving the Lord with all her heart, mind and strength.

We have two handsome sons working, and going to school, living on their own and excelling in all they do. We have three precious children who have compassion for the those who hurt, are happy for those who are successful, and are always ready to go above and beyond what is expected of them.


Today, because of the Lord our God, Cindy and I have survived moving day, but more importantly our children have, and indeed they are thriving…in spite of their parents.

God is good, and rest assured on this moving time of year, our great God has your children in the palm of his hand…

Ours have made it, and so will yours…

By the grace of God…

With much love…

Pastor Bud