We are thankfully able to meet in-person for our Sunday Church services! God willing, we will continue meeting together going foward
We are working very hard to clean and sanitize the church every week, many thanks to our Building Manager, Joanne Collar!
Sunday Morning Reminders:
Here at the Naz, we have been adhering to the CDC and the state of New York COVID-19 guidelines. If you are fully vaccinated, you may feel free not to wear a mask. Those who are not please continue to wear a mask and be aware of social distancing protocol. If you are fully vaccinated and desire to wear a mask, please feel free to do so. Please make your decision based on what makes you feel safe.
Please take your printed bulletin home with you to eliminate COVID-19 risk. Take a moment after the service to meet some new people (but please remember to stay socially distant)!
Sunday School:
Adult Sunday School still meets from 9:45-10:45 every Sunday, led by Paul Robar. They are currently reading the book, Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World, by Dr. David Jeremiah. Everyone must be masked, and socially distanced around the set-up tables.
Children’s and Teens’ Sunday School started up again in November 2020, and teachers are holding sessions from 9:45-10:45 in the hallway classrooms at their own discretion.
Sunday Evening Bible Study:
Paul Robar is leading a bible study at 6:00pm on Sunday evenings in the fellowship hall, with the same set-up as Sunday School.
For those who still wish to stay at home:
We are still recording Sunday School, Worship and Sermon videos every week for congregation members who wish to stay at home. You can find the the Worship and Sermon videos under the “Sermons” tab on this website. All Sunday School, Worship and Sermon videos are on our YouTube Channel: Potsdam Nazarene
We are still collecting offering every Sunday, and you can give by check or cash in the offering plate at the back of the sanctuary. You can also give online or by mail to be completely contactless.
Prayer Requests:
Prayer Cards are on the table in the back of the sanctuary and in the seat pockets of every pew chair. Please feel free to use them to share your prayer concerns with the pastor by placing them in the offering plate. You can also email your prayer requests to pcn@potsdam-naz.org
Communion is held on the 1st Sunday of each month, so that families can partake together. We are offering pre-packaged cups of grape juice and communion bread wafers.